Secured Vehicle History in US Car Purchases


Every used car purchase often resembles the famous "buying a pig in a poke". It remains unclear if the vehicle truly lives up to its promises. Naturally, the seller is inclined to present the car in the best light to achieve a high price, often concealing any defects. This risk is particularly present when importing used cars from the USA, where the great distance and time difference pose additional challenges.

The Alternative to AutoCheck, Carfax & Co.

Risk Minimization: The Importance of a Reliable Vehicle History

A comprehensive review of vehicle history is essential to minimize the risk of a bad purchase. USCar Trader offers in collaboration with our partner a detailed query of vehicle history. This is an excellent Carfax alternative, enabling a detailed overview of the history of vehicles originating from the USA. This way, buyers can verify the reliability of seller information before purchase.

ClearVIN - A Carfax Alternative

ClearVIN utilizes extensive databases and is an effective Carfax alternative. It draws information from US-State Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMV), car manufacturers, dealers, leasing companies, salvage companies, and insurers. These diverse data sources allow for an almost seamless reconstruction of the vehicle history, largely independent of the previous owner's statements.

The Report: More Than Just History

The report provided by ClearVIN is comprehensive and covers all aspects of the vehicle history. This includes not only basic information but also details about all known issues and events in the vehicle's past. The included scoring system, based on mathematical-statistical methods, evaluates the condition of the vehicle and thus provides an objective basis for the purchasing decision. This report is available online for a fee and offers a transparent overview for buyers.

Conclusion: Why a History Report is So Valuable

A comprehensive history report can significantly reduce the risk of a used car purchase. It provides a solid foundation for evaluating the vehicle but does not replace personal inspection. Undetected damages or unofficial repairs that have not been documented remain a challenge. A personal vehicle inspection in the USA and Canada before purchase, offered through USCar Trader, can minimize this residual risk.

ClearVIN - Your Reliable Alternative to Carfax

ClearVIN is a reliable Carfax alternative, distinguished by its comprehensive and precise information. It provides access to data from leading sources and experts in the automotive industry, including NMVTIS, NVS, NHTSA, J.D. Power, Black Book, and others. With ClearVIN, buyers receive a comprehensive and trustworthy insight into vehicle history, enabling a well-informed purchasing decision.
